Thursday, 8 September 2011

20 Ideas to Decorate Your Garden

Does your garden look messy? Would you love to hire a landscape architect but you can’t afford it? If you answered yes to both questions, you’re in the same position I am.
I decided to be my own gardener. I don’t want fancy arrangements that require regular maintenance work. I just want my garden to look neat, to be a place where my friends and family love to relax.

Since I did the brainstorming for my garden decoration, I want to share my ideas with you. Some of them will never pass the idea stage, but I do hope to implement a few of them. Photos will follow as I advance with my work. If you have more ideas, you are welcome to add them in the comments.
1. Use stepping stones instead of classic stone or concrete paths
As much as I love grass, it’s not practical for me to give up paths. It rains a lot here, so no paths mean either getting messy or not walking in the garden at all during rainy days. I only want to have one main path from the gate to the house. For the rest of the garden, I’ll use stepping stones. I found some awesome ones here.
You can follow the previous link to see them all. These are my choices: